[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

10.11.2005 15:00

Separating some cardinal characteristics by oracle c.c. forcing

H. Mildenberger (U Wien)


Kraft, Claudia

Kraft, Claudia (2005): Völkermord als delictum iuris gentium - Raphael Lemkins Vorarbeiten für eine Genozidkonvention. In: Jahrbuch des...

03.11.2005 15:00

The model theoretic structure of Dedekind-finite sets

A. Walczak-Typke (U Wien)


First release of daime available

This new software for digital image analysis in microbial ecology is now available for Linux and Windows operating systems.



28.10.2005 15:00

The Source of Welfare and Abundance: Woman as Hindu Ritual Agent

Sanjukta Gupta | Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies und Oriental Institute, University of Oxford

20.10.2005 15:00

Weak distributivity and a problem of von Neumann

T Jech (Czech Academy of Science, Prague, CZ)