[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Deadline: 18.11.2025, 12:00 Uhr


for high-quality research in science - industry collaboration

17.11.2025 13:00

When and where: 17, 18, 24 and 25 November 2025, online

This online workshop gives you tools to craft peer-reviewed publications that meet the needs...


Stephan Wendehorst | Karl Härter


Deadline: ongoing (applications received by the end of October will be decided by the next award ceremony in June 2026)

For pioneering research...

24.10.2025 13:00

Die Sektionsleitungen der zwölf Sektionen der DocSchool PhilKult kommen zusammen mit der Leitung, um neue Entwicklungen und Strategien zu besprechen.


Towards the 1.700 years of the Council of Nicaea
