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Deadline: 10th of January 2017

The aim of Innovative Training Networks (ITN) is to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative...


Forthcoming publication in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

"The Price of Prejudice" by Morten Størling Hedegaard and Jean-Robert Tyran has been accepted for publication in American Economic Journal: Applied...

09.01.2017 17:30

Dirk Englund, amieson Career Development Professor at MIT, will give a Vienna Physics Colloquium on Monday 9 January 2017.

09.01.2017 17:30

Montag, 9. Jänner 2017, 17:30

Ort: Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1. Stock


hg. von Veronika Duma, Linda Erker, Veronika Helfert und Hanna Lichtenberger

Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften (ÖZG) 3/2016. ...

09.01.2017 17:00

Make sure to visit the Vienna Physics Colloquium (VPC) on the 9th of January with guest speaker Dirk Englund, a Jamieson Career Development professor...