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Different "Canaanite" people from the Bronze Age Southern Levant not only culturally, but also genetically resemble each other more than other...


New dates will be September 7 – September 10, 2021

The First Vienna Quantum Foundations Conference is organized by the Institute of Quantum Optics...


„Farming the City. The Resilience and Decline of Urban Agriculture in European History“, hg. von Erich Landsteiner und Tim Soens

Themenheft des „Jahrbuchs für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes/Rural History Yearbook“ 16/2019


Mark Clough QC, longstanding member of the ELI Council and Project Leader of the ELI’s project on Collective Redress and Competition Damages Claims...


The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has launched our new podcast "Ars Boni"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona...


Iakovos Saridakis, PhD student in the Maulide group, was among the winners of the worldwide ACS Organic Flash Talk competition, an online contest in...