[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

14.01.2020 15:15

Asymptotics and statistics of Fishburn matrices and their generalizations

Hsien-Kuei Hwang (Academia Sinica)

14.01.2020 15:00

On inner calmness*, generalized calculus, and derivatives of the normal-cone map

Matus Benko (Universität Wien)

14.01.2020 15:00

Musik und Kino im italienischen Faschismus (Campus aktuell)



Di, 14.01.2020, 13.00-14.30, Seminarraum 2


With January 1st 2020, SuperMaMa has started. This is a new research & innovation action with a total volume of nearly 3 Million Euros project,...


Anja Feneberg als Expertin in der Sendereihe "Ö1 Kinderuni".