[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


14. Jänner 2020

11:30 Uhr, Seminarraum 8, Stiege 9, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

14.01.2020 11:15

HEINZ DUCHHARDT (Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c.)


"Evolution of archaeal gene regulatory networks under extreme stress"


Prof. Martina Pippal from the department of Art History will give a talk about the advantages and risks of global digitalization in the context of Art...


Prof. Martina Pippal from the department of Art History will give a talk about the advantages and risks of global digitalization in the context of Art...


ELI, its member Schoenherr, Bernard Energy and Philippe & Partners engaged in a stimulating debate on ‘Energy Communities 2020+ Legal, Regulatory and...