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Ritual, Raum, Mimesis bei den Rai in Ostnepal

Leitung: Martin Gaenszle

FWF, P23204


Pharma and Food - Lecture Series

06.10.2011 - 26.01.2012


Pharma and Food - Lecture Series

06.10.2011 - 26.01.2012


Lorenzo Procopio is starting as a new PhD student. Welcome Lorenzo!


FWF-Projekt P 23394: Ehen vor Gericht / Matrimony before the Court. Arenas of Conflict and Courses of Action from the 16th to the 19th Century

Projektleitung: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Griesebner

ProjektmitarbeiterInnen: Dr. Andrea Griesebner / Dr. Susanne Hehenberger / Mag. Georg...


Matrimony before the Court. Arenas of Conflict and Courses of Action from the 16th to the 19th Century

ProjektmitarbeiterInnen: Dr. Andrea Griesebner, Dr. Susanne Hehenberger, Mag. Georg Tschannett

Research Assistents: Eva Hallama, Martin Kirschner ...