[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Policies and Infrastructures for Physical Activity and Sport: Good Practice in Europe

Politik und Infrastrukturen für Bewegung und Sport: Gute...

05.11.2010 15:15

Wettstreit amBerge

Michael Oppitz | Universität Zürich / Berlin

04.11.2010 15:00

Measurable colorings of graphs, I

C. Conley (U Wien)


ZDF interview

Prof. Rüdiger Frank gives answers on the current security crisis on the Korean peninsula and interpretes the motives of North Korea's actions.


Simon Gröblacher receives the ESG-Nano-Prize on Nanosciences 2010

Simon Gröblacher has been awarded the ESG-Nano-Prize on Nanosciences 2010 from the Erwin Schrödinger Gesellschaft für Nanowissenschaften.


Oliver Rathkolb, Friedrich Stadler (Hg.)