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29.10.2010 15:15

Architektonische Prinzipien imSakralbau südindischer Reiche desMittelalters

Erich Lehner | Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege


Vienna Studies on East Asia Vol. I

Claudia Schmidhofer: Fakt und Fantasie. Das Japanbild in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten 1854-1900, in Rüdiger Frank and Lukas Pokorny (Eds.): Vienna...

28.10.2010 15:00

Set forcing for strong condensation on H(\omega_2)

L. Wu (U Wien)



Since October 2010, the Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Vienna is a member of EastAsiaNet, a network of leading European...


First master thesis within main area of research 'Climate Change, Environment and Energy in East Asia'

We are proud to present our first contribution to our new main area of research 'Climate Change, Environment and Energy in East Asia'.


Michael Wagner elected vice-president of the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), to become ISME president in 2012

The International Society for Microbial Ecology is the principle scientific society for the burgeoning field of Microbial Ecology and its related...