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Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus and evolution of proboscis length in metalmark butterflies (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae).

Bauder J.A.S., S. Handschuh, B.D. Metscher & H.W. Krenn 2013. Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus and evolution of proboscis length in...


The role of spectral advertisement call properties in species recognition of male Allobates talamancae.

Lechelt S., Hödl W. & M. Ringler. 2013. The role of spectral advertisement call properties in species recognition of male Allobates talamancae (COPE,...


Sensitivity of tropical forest aboveground productivity to climate anomalies.

Hofhansl F., Kobler J., Ofner J., Drage S., Pölz E.M. & W. Wanek. 2014. Sensitivity of tropical forest aboveground productivity to climate anomalies....


Effects of topography on forest butterfly assemblages in the pacific lowlands of Costa Rica.

Binz H., Schulze C.H. & K. E. Linsenmair. 2014. Effects of topography on forest butterfly assemblages in the pacific lowlands of Costa Rica....


diePresse | Alejandro Cunat & Harald Fadinger


Diarylheptanoids, flavonoids and other constituents from two neotropical Renealmia species (Zingiberaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 56, 178-184.

Gilli C., Orlowska E., Kaiser D., Steyrer J., Rathgeb A., Lorbeer E., Brecker L. & J. Schinnerl. 2014. Diarylheptanoids, flavonoids and other...