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Shifting context, shifting meaning

Ausstellung 17.09. - 31.10.2018


Vortrag von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christiane Wendehorst zum Thema: Biological and health data: ethical and legal Issues

Im Rahmen des österreichischen EU-Ratsvorsitzes fand von 17. bis 18. September 2018 in Wien das 23. „Meeting of the National Ethics Councils (NEC)...


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The Special Issue 'Online and Newsworthy: Have Online Sources Changed Journalism?', edited by Sarah van Leuven, Sanne Kruikemeier, Sophie...


Journalism Studies will publish a special issue on Meeting a Digital Demand: Advancing Methodological Knowledge in Journalism Studies. The editors of...

14.09.2018 18:30

Our Sun’s turbulent magnetic activity is responsible for both sustaining and destroying conditions of life in the Solar System. Hence understanding...


With immense commitment, Miklós Király, Professor at the Department of International Private Law and European Economic Law at Eötvös Loránd University...