[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Here you find a list of meetings and conferences in 2017 which will be attended by our researchers.

24.05.2017 11:30

Invariance and Stability of Gabor Scattering for Music Signals

Roswitha Bammer (Univ. Wien)

24.05.2017 11:30

Invariance and Stability of Gabor Scattering for Music Signals

Roswitha Bammer (Univ. Wien)


Announcement of the Public Workshop for Workstream 2

The second public workshop of the project, Empowering European Families, will take place on Tuesday, 20th June 2017 in Utrecht. The aim is to present...


Dies Facultatis 2017

Der ausführliche Bericht und Fotos zum diesjährigen Dies Facultatis mit Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh am 10. Mai 2017.


Stavros Brekoulakis is a Professor in International Arbitration and Commercial Law at Queen Mary University of London, as well as an attorney-at-law.