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Davos Debates in Abu Dhabi 2011

Prof. Frank gives a brief overview on the range of issues that are discussed at the World Economic Forum and Global Agenda Council on Korea.


Live-Interview for Russia Today Television

US President Barack Obama declared North Korea a threat to the US and South Korea and warned it to disarm or face isolation.


September 15-16, 2011. EastAsiaNet is a network of leading European research schools with a well-developed social-science focus on East Asia. It takes...


EcoS Info Meeting + Students Round Table (Stammtisch)

October 17, 2011, 18:15 at Seminarraum "Koreanologie". In this meeting the vision, targets and structure of the MA program "East Asian Economy and...


Max Tillman is starting as a new PhD student. Welcome Max!


Korea 2011: Politics, Economy and Society, edited by Rudiger Frank, James E. Hoare, Patrick Köllner and Susan Pares, contains concise overview...