[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


"Neutral molecular cluster formation of sulfuric acid-dimethylamine observed in real time under atmospheric conditions"

Contributor: Dr. Paul Winkler


Paper (Bookchapter) in Springer Science & Business Media Dordrecht, Allmaier et al, 2014

"Analysis of Bio-nanoparticles by Means of Nano-ES in Combination with DMA and PDMA: Intact Viruses, Virus-Like-Particles and Vaccine Particles"



W. Müller has been appointed as Head of the Department of Economics and J.-R. Tyran has been appointed as Vice-Dean for Research of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Statistics

W. Müller has been appointed as Head of the Department of Economics and J.-R. Tyran has been appointed as Vice-Dean for Research of the Faculty of...

06.10.2014 17:00

Musical Instruments across the Bengal Borderlands

Somjit Dasgupta

06.10.2014 16:45

Maximum Likelihood and Cross Validation for covariance function estimation in Gaussian process regression


Durch Kooperation zum Erfolg: Strategie zur Reduktion von Nebenwirkungen in der modernen Krebstherapie.