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Prof. Stephen J. Epstein: Us and Them: Korean Indie Rock in a K-Pop World

Guest Lecture and Movie Screening on Monday, 17 October 2016, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Seminarroom OAW, no registration required.


Prof. Stephen J. Epstein: Us and Them: Korean Indie Rock in a K-Pop World

Guest Lecture and Movie Screening on Monday, 17 October 2016, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Seminarroom OAW, no registration required.


A reflection on engaging with public engagement with science by Robin Rae


[Fuentes Group] Ivette Fuentes and David Edward Bruschi were awarded with the John Templeton Foundation grant for the development of the gravitational...


[Fuentes Group] Ivette Fuentes and David Edward Bruschi were awarded with the John Templeton Foundation grant for the development of the gravitational...


[Vaziri Group] The paper “Direct Detection of a Single Photon by Humans” by Tinsley J. N. et. al., has been published in Nature Communications.