[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

23.01.2018 17:30

Yuval Golan (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel): Nanomaterials at interfaces: New insights on wet chemical preparation of functional nanomaterials

The talk will present the chemical bath deposition pathway to “chemical epitaxy”, which refers to the growth

23.01.2018 17:30

Dienstag, 23. Jänner 2018 17:30

Ort: Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal, Strudlhofgasse 4, 1. Stock

23.01.2018 16:45

Urban Transitions - Städtische Transformationen

Ringvorlesung WS 2017/18


On 23 January 2018, members of the ELI Secretariat gave a lecture on the EU and the ELI to students of the Institute for Legal and Constitutional...

23.01.2018 16:30

Verleihung des Loschmidt-Preises 2017

Die Verleihung des Loschmidt-Preises 2017 an Frau Dr. Elisabeth Gruber und Herrn Dr. Sebastian Mai

23.01.2018 16:15

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018 16:15

Ort: Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock