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24.06.2011 15:15

Krisenstimmung in Europa vs. Wachstumseuphorie in Indien: Perspektiven des Mediums Zeitung

Nadja-Christina Schneider | Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Philip Walther was awarded with the START Prize of the Austrian Science Fund.


Commentary by Prof. Frank: "Food aid diversion: Why it does NOT matter"

"One of the things I have, for years, been having difficulties to understand is the discussion of (staple) food diversion.

22.06.2011 15:00

Topologically invariant \sigma-ideals on Polish spaces

T. Banakh (Lviv State U, UA)


Dr. Byong Man AHN's lecture on "Korean Education"

Last June Dr. Byong Man AHN, Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council on Education, Science and Technology since January 2011 held a lecture on...


New paper in MBE

Collingro A, Tischler P, Weinmaier T, Penz T, Heinz E, Brunham RC, Read TD, Bavoil PM, Sachse K, Kahane S, Friedman MG, Rattei T, Myers GSA, Horn M....