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“Valuation of Damages in Changing Economic and Political Circumstances. Lessons learnt in Latin America – relevant for investment arbitration in...


Sophie Lecheler was elected as Vice-Chair for the Division Political Communication for the period 2018-2020 and as Chair for the Division Political...


Sophie Lecheler recently published the chapter "Down the Rabbit hole - Integrating Emotions into News Framing Effects Research" in Doing News Framing...


Einladung zur Präsentation des Buches von Manuel Ramos

25.05.2018 17:00

1. Talk by Prof. Adams Bodomo: "Afro-optimism and Afro-futurism in the 21st Century"

2. Grand Poetry Slam (anschließend)


Seminar on the Judicial Dialogue and Networks for Cost Awareness in Court Actions

On 24–25 May 2018, a Seminar on the Judicial Dialogue and Networks for Cost Awareness in Court Actions co-organised by the Italian Supreme Court of...