[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Austrian newspaper Die Presse presents work of our biochemist Filipa Sousa, who "came to Austria to explore tiny microorganisms: archaea are useful...


Read here about the Initiative and also find full interviews with receivers of the "Back-to-Research" Grant for women and the Women in Biology...


This one-day workshop focuses on honing the skills and mastering the techniques to visualize experimental set-ups and facilities and research results...


Vienna Dialogues Continued: Mobility in Byzantium and Beyond


Die Innenhöfe der linken Gebäudehälfte des Hauptgebäudes (Hof 1, 3 und 5) müssen auch weiterhin für Transport- und Lagertätigkeiten genutzt werden.


Mondays, 15:30-17:00h, Eberhard Clar-Saal (2B 204), Althanstraße 14, UZA II - An initiative of the Department of Environmental Geosciences, Faculty of...