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University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of Communication

Vacant position at the Advertising and Media Effects Research Group (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes), University of Vienna

Application deadline: 23...


Fabio Dionigi, Germany: Structural Transformations Leading to the Oxygen Evolution Active Phase for Fe Containing Layered Double Hydroxides

When: Tue, 26.3.2019, 15:00

Where Lecture hall 3, Faculty of Chemistry, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1090 Vienna


OeAD-Stipendien für Sommerkurse 2019

Der OeAD vergibt diesen Sommer wieder Stipendien an österreichische StudentInnen zur Teilnahme an Sprachkursen und Summerschools


Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences: Linking Theory and Empirical Research

15–25 July 2019

Application deadline: 15 April 2019

26.03.2019 14:00

Date: TUE, 26 MARCH 2019, starting 14:00

Place: Kleiner Festsaal, University of Vienna, Main Building

For program and registration click here!


26.03.2019 14:00

The Status of the String Landscape

Savdeep Sethi (University of Chicago)