[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Dalibor Čepulo is Professor of legal history at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb where he teaches Croatian legal history in the European...


Andreas Richter participated in a panel discussion at the Natural History Museum of Vienna organized by the Environmental Research Network of the...


25. März 2019

18:30 Uhr, Priesterseminar der Erzdiözese Wien, Strudlhofgasse 7, 1090 Wien



Das Institut für Staatswissenschaft lädt herzlich zum Gastvortrag von Prof. Häusermann ein!


On Monday, 25 March 2019, Michael R. Vanner (Imperial College London) will speak about "Measurement based quantum optomechanics: Towards macroscopic...

25.03.2019 17:00

CoQuS Alumnus Talk by Michael Vanner

on "Measurement based quantum optomechanics: Towards macroscopic superposition state preparation”