[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

28.06.2018 18:00

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2018 18:00

Ort: Campus, Veranstaltungspavillon Hof 1, Spitalgasse 2-4


We congratulate Bernhard Kasberger to the successful defence of his PhD thesis! Watch this video to see how he liked his time at VGSE.

28.06.2018 17:00

Overcoming costs in value-based decisions

June 28, 2018 | 5 pm

28.06.2018 16:30

Volterra type fractional stochastic volatility models. Small-noise and small-time asymptotic formulas for the implied volatility

Archil Gulisashvill (Ohio Univ. US)


E-Producer gesucht!

Das Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) der Universität Wien sucht zur Verstärkung seines Medienproduktionsteams eine E-Producerin / einen...


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