[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

18.06.2010 17:00

Devta Cult in the Kullu Region of the Western Himalaya

Tshering Dorje | Barituni, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

18.06.2010 15:00

Identity in Flux. Explorations Through Contestations in Literature

Swati Shirwadkar | Department of Sociology, University of Pune

17.06.2010 18:00

Domestic Violence Against Women. Indian Immigrant Women in Canada and the Problem of Accessing the Benefits of State Policies

Swati Shirwadkar | Department of Sociology, University of Pune

17.06.2010 15:00

Measures in first order theories

A. Pillay (U Leeds, UK)

16.06.2010 18:00

Tracing the Origins of the Zhang zhung Language

Tshering Dorje | Barituni, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh


Seit 2009 macht das Kunstprojekt "Der Muse reicht's" von Iris Andraschek auf fehlende Anerkennung von Frauen an der Universität aufmerksam.