[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Plasma fatty acids affect the guinea pig oestrous cycle

Reproduction, Fertility and Development


"Fostering Media Literacy Competencies for Navigating Digital Media Cultures: Findings of a Comparative Study in Southeast Asia" was presented at the...


Since the 1970s international environmental law has evolved substantially. Different generations of instruments have been adopted and various legal...


A full-time Officer at the Secretariat of the European Law Institute (ELI) is sought for the beginning of April 2018. We are looking for a committed...


'standard'-Artikel 'FPÖ-Wähler stehen ökonomisch weiter links als die Partei'

Meistdiskutierter Wissenschaftsartikel des Jahres 2017 auf 'der standard.at'.


In memoriam Kurt Hiebl

Es hat uns eine weitere traurige Nachricht erreicht, dass Herr ao. Univ. – Prof. i.R. Dr. Kurt Hiebl am 22. Dezember 2017, nach kurzer, schwerer...