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StEOP Modulprüfung WS 2018/19

Termine im Vorlesungsverzeichnis


StEOP Modulprüfung WS 2018/19

Termine im Vorlesungsverzeichnis


Florian Doppelhammer hat die Silbermedaille im Judo bei den European Universities Games Coimbra 2018 gewonnen.


Plastic materials are widely used in agricultural applications to achieve food security for the growing world population. The use of biodegradable...

26.07.2018 10:00

Invitation to a talk by Piotr Masłowski, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

Broadband absorption and dispersion spectroscopy with optical frequency comb

Thursday, July 26th, 2018, 10:00 a.m. Seminar room, 5th floor,...


Ming Boyer went to San Antonio and presented two papers on identity-based motivated reasoning and group identiy salience at the International Society...