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Thought Exchange with Students

ELI President Christiane Wendehorst opened the 70th Summer University of the University of Vienna in Strobl (Austria) on 15 July 2018.


Interested in learning something new? Apply for our Data Science Summer School until 23. July 2018 and build your skills in "Deep Learning & Visual...


Interested in learning something new? Apply for our Data Science Summer School until 23. July 2018 and build your skills in "Deep Learning & Visual...


You can find all the pictures from our kick off event and Dave Donohos talk about "Data Science - The End of Theory?" here.


You can find all the pictures from our kick off event and Dave Donohos talk about "Data Science - The End of Theory?" here.


Die Abteilung war mit zwei Mitarbeitern am 23. ECSS Kongress in Dublin vertreten.