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Translocal Figurations of Displacement – conceptual and methodological reflections on the role of connectivity and mobility in protracted displacement

20.11.2019: Vortrag Benjamin ETZOLD


Vortrag von Christina Traxler presented by the Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota

am 20.11.2019 um 12:20 Uhr


Digital Humanities Guest Lecture Series 2019-2020

The Digital Humanities Guest Lecture Series in 2019-2020 starts on the 4th of December, as follows:

20.11.2019 15:00

A Reduced Basis Method for Fractional Powers of ill-conditioned Matrices

Tobias Danczul (TU Wien)


Bestimmte Fehlstellen, „Zwillinge“, verleihen Metall hohe Härte ohne Verlust bei der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit. Nun berichten ForscherInnen der...

20.11.2019 14:00

A variational approach to the planning problem

Carlo Orrieri (University of Trento, Italy)