[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


started in December as Tenure-Track Professor for the field of "Digital Geography" (Assistant Professor)


Michael participated in two live stream discussions today on the current coroavirus situation and was a guest in a ZIB special on Dec. 4 at 20.15 in...


Hilfe bei der Diplomarbeit!

Am 30.4.2021 läuft das Diplomstudium Lehramt aus. Für alle, die noch Unterstützung beim Schreiben der Diplomarbeit brauchen, werden im Februar vom CTL...


Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (Lund University) held her IPW Lecture on 3 December 2020. Find the recording here.

03.12.2020 17:00

Prof. Dr. Zimeng Wang

Department of Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Fudan University, China


03.12.2020 17:00

Zimeng Wang

Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Fudan University, China