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To learn about regional development in the south

06.03.2018 16:30

On a regularized full dispersion Davey-Stewartson system

Hung Luong

06.03.2018 16:15

Dienstag, 06 März 2018 16:15

Ort: Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock

06.03.2018 16:00

Monotonicity principles in distrubution-constrained optimal stopping

Gudmund Pammer

06.03.2018 15:15

Tableau Formulas for One-Row Macdonald Polynomials of Types Cn

Ayumu Hoshino (Hiroshima Inst. of Technology)

06.03.2018 15:00

To (BG), or not to (BG), that is the question

Masato Mimura (Tohoku Univ.)