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UNIVIE Teaching Award 2017 für Dr. Donata Romizi


Guest Professor Ángeles Díaz (07.06.-30.06.2017)

Professor Díaz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) will give a lecture on “Element Abundances & Chemical Evolution of the Cosmos”.



Guest Professor Ángeles Díaz (07.06.-30.06.2017)

Professor Díaz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) will give a lecture on “Element Abundances & Chemical Evolution of the Cosmos”.


06.06.2017 16:30

Supply and Shorting in Speculative Markets

Marcel Nutz (Columbia Univ. USA)

06.06.2017 16:30

Supply and Shorting in Speculative Markets

Marcel Nutz (Columbia Univ. USA)

06.06.2017 15:06

Vortrag 19.06.2017 von Prof. Árpád von Klimó The Catholic University of America / Department of History, 18:30 Uhr, Aula am Campus

Ungarn unter Viktor Orbán. Historische Perspektiven