[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

01.06.2017 16:30

The bridges of the Langevin dynamics

Giovanni Conforti (Université Lille 1, FR)

01.06.2017 16:00

Eigenvalues of symmetric matrices

David Loeffler (University of Warwick)

01.06.2017 16:00

Rank-intro-rank axioms and forcing

Vincenzo Dimonte (Univ. of Udine, Italy)

01.06.2017 16:00

Eigenvalues of symmetric matrices

David Loeffler (University of Warwick)

01.06.2017 16:00

Rank-intro-rank axioms and forcing

Vincenzo Dimonte (Univ. of Udine, Italy)


7. Juni 2017, 18 Uhr | Theater Akzent, Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Wien

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