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Claudia Rapp, H.A. Drake (Hg.), The City in the Classical and Post-Classical World


The Political Representation of Galicia’s Urban Jewry from the Josephine Era to the 1914 Electoral Reform

Börries Kuzmany

19.01.2015 16:45

Testing the rank of the volatility process in multivariate diffusion models (joint work with Jean Jacod)

19.01.2015 11:45

Staging the Rez: Native Canadian Drama and Performance

Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Klára Kolínská (Charles University Prague)

16.01.2015 15:15

The world is not flat. The Social Multiplicities of a Globalized Town in Transition (1985-2012) — The Case of Gurgaon (India)

Anirudh Deshpande | Department of History, University of Delhi – ICCR Chair in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Vienna



Michael Blaschke wurde in der Kategorie Pharmazie für seine wissenschaftliche Arbeit ausgezeichnet. Die Verleihung des mit 2.500 € dotierten Preises...