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Die AUTNES Online Panel Study 2017 (SUF edition) der Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) ist seit 1. August online verfügbar über das Austrian...


Having returned to Vienna in 2017, Michael Reithofer was promoted to Associate Professor.


Interleges (www.interleges.com) is honoured to be associated with the ELI through its sponsorship of the 2018 Young Lawyer Award. Interleges was...


Following the approval of the European Law Institute (ELI) and European Network of the Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ) Statement on ‘Principled...


This Year's ELI Annual Conference and General Assembly 2018 will take place from 5–7 September 2018 in Riga (Latvia)


New paper accepted

Rauchbauer, B.*, Pfabigan, D.*, Lamm, C. (2018). Event-related potentials of automatic imitation are modulated by ethnicity during stimulus...