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ERC Starting Grant for Matthias Horn

Matthias Horn has received an ERC Starting Grant for his project "The Evolution of the Chlamydiae - an Experimental Approach (EVOCHLAMY)".


Policy Briefing for "The Elders"

Prof. Frank in April 2011, upon invitation by the secretariat of The Elders (http://www.theelders.org/), wrote a background policy paper.


DoME at the KinderuniWien 2011

For the fifth time the DoME team held an interactive lecture for children between the age of seven and 12 at the KinderuniWien. The KinderuniWien is...

18.07.2011 16:00

July 2011: Open lecture by Bart Penders and John N. Parker

Collaboration in Nutrition and Ecology


Report of the Summer School "Basic Aerosol Science" 2011


Songs of happiness and change. Aspects of the oral tradition of Tīj - the major women’s festival in Nepal.

Pratibha Chelaparampath