[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Libyan Lessons for North Korea

Prof. Rüdiger Frank discusses the probable interpretation by the North Korean leadership to recent bombing of Libya.

21.03.2011 18:15

Manganiars of Rajasthan. Hereditary Musicians in an Era of Globalization

Shubha Chaudhuri | Director, Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology of the American Institute of Indian Studies


Prof. Grubisic wird Direktorin des Earth Observation Lab am NCAR

18.03.2011 15:15

Nepal's Revolutionary Fighters' Personal Experiences and the Question of Martyrdom

Marie Lecomte-Tilouine | CNRS Paris

17.03.2011 15:00

Rado's Conjecture and the Tree Property for <i>&omega;<sub>2</sub></i>

V. Torres-Pérez (U Wien)


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