[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

22.06.2017 14:00

Numerical Methods/Analysis für Schrödinger Equations and Micro-Magnetism

Yong Zhang

22.06.2017 14:00

About the influence of gravitational waves on circular moving topological solitons with long range interaction

Manfried Faber (Univ. Wien)

22.06.2017 14:00

Numerical Methods/Analysis für Schrödinger Equations and Micro-Magnetism

Yong Zhang

22.06.2017 14:00

About the influence of gravitational waves on circular moving topological solitons with long range interaction

Manfried Faber (Univ. Wien)


Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Rüdiger Frank

Prof. Frank kommentiert den Fall Otto Warmbier, seine Inhaftierung in Nordkorea und den „Freak-Faktor“ bei Reisen in die Demokratische Volksrepublik...


Seminar in Rome on the Role of Judges in European Legal Integration

On 22 June 2017, the Italian Hub held a successful Seminar on the important theme of ‘The Role of Judges in European Legal Integration: New Powers,...