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Olympus BX51 for quantitative ore microscopy with an Anton Paar MHT-4 microindentation tester and Jenoptik Gryphax NAOS camera.


Horiba Fluorolog-3 spectral fluorometer, including fibre-coupling to an Olympus BX series miroscope, for excitation analysis of electronic...


Neue Professur im Februar 2018

Wir begrüßen Julia Hüttner, Professorin für Didaktik der Englischen Sprache am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, an unserer Fakultät.


"World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development" report published

Yesterday, the UNESCO published its newest global report on freedom of expression and media development.


Up to 16 percent of all species on Earth could qualify as potential alien species and if they invade new regions, impacts will be difficult to...


Christiane Spiel auf Radio Orange, im ORF und den Salzburger Nachrichten.