[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


We are offering 11 PhD positions in a large diversity of research fields.


Norbert Schuch's talk on "Entanglement order parameters from symmetric tensor networks" can now be watched online.


In diesem Workshop stellen TrainerInnen nationale und internationale Fördermöglichkeiten für SozialwissenschafterInnen vor. Erfolgreiche...


AFRIEUROTEXT is a bookstore, located in Vienna, focusing on the literatures by Africans based on the continent and in the diaspora, written in both...

12.02.2021 18:32

Wann: Freitag, 19. März 2021, 17:00 – 20:30 Uhr. Wo: Online aus dem Schader-Forum Darmstadt mit u.a. Ulrich Brand.


The ELI Council, composed of delegates of ELI Members, held a successful online meeting on 11–12 February to elect the nominate members of the...