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Scientific excellence and social relevance are two sides of the same coin. These days, it is commonplace to assert that science should be done in ways...


Dissertationsprojekt "Kompetenzen zur Alltagsbewältigung im privaten Haushalt. Ein Desiderat lebensnaher Allgemeinbildung"


How to weave societal responsibility into the fabric of universities, Times Higher Education, September 6, 2018


Meeting During the 2018 ELI Annual Conference in Riga

Members of the ELI Business and Financial Law SIG met at the ELI Annual Conference in Riga on 6 September 2018.

06.09.2018 15:15

Pointwise convergence of Birkhoff averages for global observables

Sara Munday (Pisa)


Meeting at the 2018 ELI Annual Conference in Riga

The SIG met on the occasion of the ELI 2018 Annual Conference in Riga.