[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Kirsten Rüther, Angelika Schaser, Jacqueline Van Gent

Gender and Conversion Narratives in the Nineteenth Century. German Mission at Home and Abroad


The Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications of the Harvard University will be hosting a workshop on General Relativity from May 23 – 24,...


During the afternoon of May 9th the planet mercury has (slightly) obstructed the sun. Mercury became visible in front of the sun at 13:12 and did not...


Der Sonne entgegen

Am 1. Mai war es soweit, das Forschungsschiff "Sonne" stach von Neuseeland aus in See. Mit an Bord: sechs WissenschafterInnen der Universität Wien....


9.5.2016: Gastvortrag von Paul Vogt

ZEIT: Montag, 9. Mai 2016, 18 Uhr s.t.

ORT: Seminarraum Geschichte 1, Universität, Hauptgebäude, Stiege 10, 1. Stock

09.05.2016 11:40

The Diversity of Canadian Fiction

Course by Prof. David Staines