[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Unconventional superconductivity probed by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy

Christian Hess, Institut für Festkörperforschung, IFW Dresden.

In this talk, I will present recent results on the unconventional superconductor...

18.04.2016 16:45

On Asymptotic Exponential Arbitrage


A new working paper by Mariya Teteryatnikova and James Tremewan on "An offer you can refuse: the effects of transparency with endogenous conflict of...


18.04.2016 Defensio: Ashley HURST

353. Defensio einer Dissertation aus der Studienrichtung Geschichte. Es spricht Ashley HURST über:


Andreas graduated in the master course "Genetics and developmental biology" by successfully defending his master thesis today. In his master project...


Christine Fertig, Margareth Lanzinger (Hgg.), Beziehungen, Vernetzungen, Konflikte. Perspektiven Historischer Verwandtschaftsforschung. Köln, Wien,...