[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Förderung für Linda Dezsö, Stipendium für Simona Háasová.


In der Ukraine forcieren sich die Bemühungen, drei bislang getrennte orthodoxe Kirchenstrukturen in einer gemeinsamen, autokephalen Kirche der Ukraine...


Stephen Goldup, UK: Synthesis and Applications of Interlocked Molecules

When: Thu, 24.1.2019, 12:15

Where: Joseph Loschmidt Lecture Hall (HS 2) of the Faculty of Chemistry, Waehringer Strasse 42, 1090 Vienna



Conference in Naples on Training Courses on Human Rights

The ELI Italian Hub was one of the patrons of the Training Courses on Human Rights organised by Human Rights Commission of the City of Naples Bar...

24.01.2019 12:00

Do 24. Jänner 2019, 12:00

Seminarraum 1, Institut für Zeitgeschichte

Universitätscampus, Spitalgasse 2-4/Hof 1, 1090 Wien


The Arndt Group published a new article on "Concepts for long-baseline high-mass matter-wave interferometry" in Physica Scripta