[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Marietta Blau grant for Jose Perez

Jose Manuel Perez has been awarded a 12-month Marietta Blau grant to visit the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.


Marietta Blau grant for Jose Perez

Jose Manuel Perez has been awarded a 12-month Marietta Blau grant to visit the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.


Predrag Bukovec und Christoph Tröbinger (Hgg.)

Patmos Verlag, 2019



The European Patent Office and its Asian Patent Information service for researchers

Staffed by experts on the Japanese, Chinese and Korean patent systems, the Asian patent information services offer assistance in searching...

30.01.2019 16:15

Crystallographic Groups: Geometry and Algebra

Dietrich Burde (Univ. Wien)

30.01.2019 15:30

Instance Optimality of Adaptive 2D FEMeevent

Michael Innerberger (TU Wien)