[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

30.01.2019 15:30

Instance Optimality of Adaptive 2D FEMeevent

Michael Innerberger (TU Wien)

30.01.2019 15:00

Murray's law for a discrete and a continuous model for network formation

Giulia Pilli (Universität Wien)


Interview mit Raimund Haindorfer zu den statistischen Vergleichen mit Wien in der aktuellen Debatte

Falter, 30.01.2019

30.01.2019 14:00

A unified model for stress-driven rearrangement instabilities

Shokhrukh Kholmatov (University of Vienna)


John Benjamins Publishing Company has selected the Special Issue 6:1 (2017) of the Journal Translation Spaces, edited by Hanna Risku, Regina Rogl and...


'ROADWORK: An Anthropology of Infrastructure at China’s Inner Asian Borders' has invited CoRe to join its network of projects on transportation...