[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Hrsg. Dagmar Gottschall u. Dietmar Mieth unter Mitarbeit v. Katharina Mersch; mit einem Beitrag von Martina Roesner


31.01.2013 15:00

First order Goedel logics

M. Pourmahdian (IPM, Tehran, IR)


Interview with Prof Rüdiger Frank on North Korea's recent nuclear test

Prof Rüdiger Frank was interviewed by the Austrian daily newspaper Wiener Zeitung on North Korea's intentions behind the recent nuclear test.


Info meeting on course registration for all EcoS students

The Chair of East Asian Economy and Society and its Student Representatives kindly invite you to a Info meeting on course registration on Monday,...


FLEXPART Training Course


Summer School 2013 "Basic Aerosol Science"