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13.12.2016 16:15

Parton Shower Event Generators: Status and Prospects in the Quest for Precision

Simon Plätzer (Univ. Durham), Teilchenphysik SE

13.12.2016 16:15

Parton Shower Event Generators: Status and Prospects in the Quest for Precision

Simon Plätzer (Univ. Durham), Teilchenphysik SE

13.12.2016 15:15

Analytic combinatorics of patterns in graphs

Gwendal Collet (TU Wien), SE Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik

13.12.2016 15:15

Analytic combinatorics of patterns in graphs

Gwendal Collet (TU Wien), SE Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik

13.12.2016 15:00

An introduction to the Hodkin-Huxley model

Tereza Sestáková (Uni. Wien), AG Biomathematik

13.12.2016 15:00

Detecting sphere boundaries of hyperbolic groups

Nir Lazarovich (ETH-Zürich), Geometry and Analysis Groups Research SE