[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

05.06.2018 17:30

GASTVORTRAG Populism as Symbolic Repertoire and Material Culture: The Case of the French National Front

Prof. Dorit Geva (Central European University), 5.6.2018


We congratulate former VGSE student Makram Khalil to the successful defence of his PhD thesis. Watch his video to see what he thinks of VGSE.

05.06.2018 17:00

"Between Silence and Enunciation.

Representations of Sexual Violence Against Women in Latin America and South Africa."


unisuccess 2018

Am 5. Juni 2018 findet im Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien die unisuccess – die Messe für Berufseinstieg, Job und Weiterbildung für alle...

05.06.2018 16:30

On the Hamiltonian-Krein instability index

Noema Nicolussi (Univ. Wien)

05.06.2018 16:15

On the cut-off dependence of the quark mass parameter in angular-ordered parton showers

Daniel Samitz (Univ. Wien)