[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Stefanie successfully defended her doctoral thesis today entitled "Computational Studies of SLC Transporters with Special Focus on the GABA...


Das Spital in der Frühen Neuzeit (MIÖG Ergbd. 64)

Martin Scheutz und Alfred Stefan Weiss, Das Spital in der Frühen Neuzeit. Eine Spitallandschaft in Zentraleuropa (Mitteilungen des Instituts für...


Most Austrians first heard of the Novel Coronavirus some time in January, following reports of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan. In those days,...


The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Public Administration – Developing Impact Assessments and Public Participation for Digital Democracy feasibility...


Deadline: 14.04.2020, 14:00

For female postdocs, who wish to come to UNIVIE (36-month-fellowship)



Blog „Covid-19 and the Workers of the World“

Die COST Action WORCK lädt zu einer öffentlichen Debatte über die Auswirkungen der Coronakrise auf lokale und globale Arbeitsbedingungen ein.