[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


A team led by Judith Rollinger is screening traditional knowledge in order to identify new active substances against lung infections caused by...


Date: 29 Apr 2020 (online)

Registration: necessary


On April 16, Gerhard Fehr and Martin Kocher are going to talk about "Die Welt nach Corona, Folge 2: Compliance – die Dosis macht’s!" in the VBEN...


Titel des internationalen Projektes: "Herstellung eines "Spikes" für die Bestimmung von 237Np"

Leitung: Dr. Karin Hain

28.04.2020 17:00

Derived traces of Soergel categories

Eugene Gorsky (UC Davis)


The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Public Administration – Developing Impact Assessments and Public Participation for Digital Democracy Team met...