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15.06.2021 15:00

Dienstag, 15. Juni 2021 15:00

Zoom Meeting: Zoom/gather.town

Registration until 13 June 2021


New book chapter by Katharina Kieslich and Barbara Prainsack in The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation (2021).

15.06.2021 14:30

Dietlind Hüchtker wird ihren aktuellen Artikel "Translating Knowledge, Practicing Rurality: Rural Youth in the People’s Republic of Poland and Beyond"...


When: Thursday, 30 September to 1 October 2021. Where: online.

Meropi Tzanetakis is co-organising the 32rd Annual Conference of the European Society...


When: Monday, 5 July 2021, 18:00 - 19:00. Where: online.

Meropi Tzanetakis and Stefan Marx will present their paper at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the...

15.06.2021 14:00

Public defence of Stefan Wirsing